10. WHEEL BEARINGS. Every 1000 hours remove wheels, clean and inspect all parts, replace damaged or worn
parts, repack wheel bearings, and assemble.
11. ALL MOTOR BEARINGS. To be lubricated only at time of disassembly. After lubrication, remove fittings and
install plugs.
12. PITMAN ADJUSTING SCREW HOUSING. Every 5000 hours remove cover, clean and inspect all parts, repack
housing, and install cover.
Cooling system is pressurized. Remove radiator cap slowly and only when engine has cooled below +120 F
(+49 C) or painful burns could result.
Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine or engine may be damaged. Allow engine to cool below +120 (+49 C)
before adding coolant.
Check coolant level in radiator. Coolant should be 1 in. (2.5 cm) from bottom of filler neck. If coolant is low, add a
50/50 mixture of antifreeze and water to radiator until proper level is reached.
Change coolant every two years, or 6000 hours, whichever comes first. When changing coolant, DCA4 corrosion
inhibitor must be added to cooling system by installing precharge filter WF2053. Test coolant for proper amount of
inhibitor: There should be between one and two units of DCA4 corrosion inhibitor per gallon of coolant (water and
antifreeze). Refer to TM 5-3820-205-20-2.
14. COOLANT FILTER. Change coolant filter each time the engine lubricating oil is changed, or every 250 to 480
hours if hard time is used. The coolant filter contains four units of DCA4 corrosion inhibitor for replenishment of coolant
inhibitor level. Test coolant for proper amount of DCA4 corrosion inhibitor each time the coolant filter is changed. Refer
to TM 5-3820-205-20-2.
A copy of this Lubrication Order will remain with the equipment at all times. Instructions contained herein are
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25-E, Block 4133 Operator and Unit maintenance requirement for
LO 5-3820-205-12-2.
PIN: 055974-000
LO 5-3820-205-12-2
CARD 18 OF 18