TM 5-3820-205-10-2B-BEFORED-DURINGA-AFTERW-WEEKLYM-MONTHLYINTERVALITEM TO BE INSPECTEDITEMPROCEDURE: CHECK FOR AND HAVE REPAIRED,EQUIPMENT IS NOTNO.BDAWMFILLED, OR ADJUSTED AS NEEDEDREADY/AVAILABLE IF:3MAIN ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANELWarning: Do not connect electrical power oroperate the equipment if the ground connec-tion is not properly installed (fig. 16). Death byelectrocution could result from improperlygrounded equipment.•Move main power switch to OFF position, and en-Circuit breakers off. Loose or dis-sure that all circuit breakers are in the ON position.connected cables.Check for loose or disconnected cables. Returnmain power switch to ON position.4CONVEYOR BELT AND ROLLER ASSEM-BLIES•Check conveyor belt for excessive wear, frayed, orBroken conveyor belt or roller as-cut condition. Check for broken roller assemblies.semblies. Loose fastener.Inspect belt fastener assembly.5DRIVE BELTS•Visually check for broken or missing drive belts orDrive belts missing or broken.glazed, shiny surface which indicates drive belt slip-page.6SCALPER VIBRATING SCREEN ASSEMBLY•Clean and inspect the scalper vibrating screen forScreens damaged or broken.any damage; replace as necessary (TM 5-3820-205-20-2). Check gearbox oil every ten hours.7JAW CRUSHER ASSEMBLY•Remove any remaining rock or debris and inspectJaw crusher assembly cracked,jaw crusher assembly for any damage. Report dam- twisted, or rock lodged in jaw.age to organizational maintenance.8PAN FEEDER ASSEMBLY•Check tension and condition of pan feeder driveIncorrect belt tension.belts, and adjust belts as necessary. Report damageto organizational maintenance (fig. 60).9FIRE EXTINGUISHER•Inspect for full charge by checking gage and check-Gage not reading in green, or sealing for broken seal.broken.10ENGINE CRANKCASE•With jaw crusher in a level position, check engine oil Oil level at or below "I' mark.level and maintain oil level between "L' (low) and"H" (high) marks.38
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