TM 5-3820-205-10-1
Figure 28. Lower clutch control lever.
13. General
a. The instructions in this section are published for the information and guidance of the personnel responsible
for the operation of the roll crusher.
b. The operator must know how to perform every operation of which the roll crusher is capable. This section
provides instructions on starting and stopping the roll crusher, operating the roll crusher, and coordinating
the operations to perform the specific tasks for which the roll crusher is designed. Since nearly every job
presents a different problem, the operator may have to vary the given procedure to fit the individual job.
14. Starting the Engine
a. Preparation for Starting.
(1) Perform the Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (para 32).
(2) Open the fuel shut-off valve (fig. 20).
Caution: The manual control fording valve located in. side the fuel tank cap is closed before
shipment is made from contractor's plant or depot storage. For proper ventilation of fuel tank, valve
must be opened when roll crusher is in operation.
b. Starting Start the engine in the numerical sequence as instructed on figure 29.