TM 5-3820-205-10-2
7. Unloading the Jaw Crusher
The operator may assist in unloading the jaw crusher from the common carrier. The operator will help remove the tie-
down cables, strapping, blocking, etc. which secure the jaw crusher on the carrier. Organizational maintenance will
perform the remaining operations.
8. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
Note: Ensure that equipment is completely deprocessed before servicing. Ensure that preservatives have been
removed from items such as crankcase, fuel tank, and gearboxes.
Perform. the Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (para 32).
Make a complete visual inspection to see that the required tools, repair parts, publications, accessories, and
attachments are with the jaw crusher and are in serviceable condition.
Visually inspect the entire jaw crusher for loss of parts or damage which may have occurred during loading,
shipment, or unloading.
Inspect brake hoses, electric cables, and wiring for breaks, cuts, damaged or missing connections, and hardware.
Check tires for proper inflation of 100 psi. Inspect tires for cuts, breaks, or other damage.
Inspect all lights for proper operation.
Report all damage and deficiencies to organizational maintenance.
Refer to Table 1 for a complete list of maintenance and operating supplies required for initial operation of the jaw
9. Installation or Setting-Up Instructions
Locate the jaw crusher on a flat or leveled surface. If necessary, use any suitable equipment such as a bulldozer
to level the site. Plan the site so there will be no obstructions to trucks or other hauling vehicles going to and from the
plant. Refer to figure 3 for suggested placement of plant components. After the jaw crusher is located, level the area
immediately under the jaw crusher frame for cribbing.
Remove the wheel chocks from their brackets on the main frame above the rear wheel and securely block the
rear wheels (fig. 1).
The jaw crusher is equipped with four mounted, screw-type leveling jacks. Position the leveling jacks in the jack
pads (fig. 4). If the ground is soft or provides a poor bearing surface, place timbers or other suitable supports under the
jack pads.
Caution: Install the leveling jacks and cribbing so that jaw crusher will be level both lengthwise and crosswise,
and the weight of the jaw crusher is removed from the wheels and axles. Inaccurate leveling may cause the
drive belts and conveyor belts to run off, material to travel to one side of the screen, and rubber mountings of
the vibrating screen to twist, resulting in damage to equipment.
Level the trailer frame lengthwise. Check in several places to avoid having a twist or sag in the frame, and
adjust the leveling jacks accordingly to prevent this. Level the trailer crosswise at the front and rear of the plant.
Accuracy in leveling is very important because a twist in a plant improperly leveled may cause the drive belts and
conveyor belts to run off the pulleys, material to travel to one side of the screen, and the rubber mountings of the
vibrating screen to twist.