o. Air Receivers. Remove the fitting from tanks
(5) If the cooling system is contaminated,
drain and clean the cooling system as outlined in TB
and spray the tank interior with type P-10, grade 2,
ENG 60. Fill with antifreeze solution described in (3)
reinstall. Open draincock to allow excess preservative
g. Lubrication System. Check level of lubricant.
to drain.
Operate the engine and compressor at fast idle until
2. Disassembly, Disassembled Parts, Basic Issue
lubricant has been circulated throughout the system.
h. Sealing of Openings. Openings that will permit
the direct entry of water into the interior of engine,
(1) Disassembly will be limited to the removal
accessories, controls, etc., will be sealed with type III,
of parts and projecting components that tend to increase
class 1, pressure-sensitive tape conforming to
the overall profile of the equipment and that which is
Specification PPP-T60.
i. Fuel Tank Mobile. If the fuel tank is empty, it
(2) Basic issue items and disassembled
components will be packed with the publications in the
will be fogged with type P-10, grade 2 engine
toolbox if possible.
preservation oil conforming to MILL-21260. It is not
required to drain the fuel tank for domestic shipment.
Otherwise, items will be packed in a suitable container
and secured to the equipment to prevent loss or
j. Air Cleaner. Clean the air cleaner and seal all
pilferage. Refer to TM 38-230 for guidance in selection
openings that permit the direct entry of water. Use type
and container fabrication.
III, class 1, waterproof, pressure-sensitive adhesive tape
186. Loading Roll Crusher for Shipment
conforming to PPP-T-60.
a. Use a lifting device of sufficient capacity and
k. Exterior Surfaces. Coat exposed, machined,
hoist the Roll Crusher on the flatcar. Refer to figure 2.
ferrous metal surfaces with preservative (P-6)
conforming with Specification MIL-C-11796, class 3. If
Note. Spreader bars should be used to keep
hoist cables from coming in contact with the Roll
grease (GAA) as specified on the lubrication order may
be used.
b. If a lifting device is not available, construct a
I. Marking. Will conform to MILSTD-129.
ramp of suitable material as instructed on figure 3 and
tow the roll crusher onto the flatcar.
m. Batteries and Cables. Batteries will be secured
c. Block and secure the roll crusher to the flatcar
in the battery compartment. Battery will be filled and
fully charged. Cables will be disconnected and secured,
in a manner that will prevent their contact with the
d. For over-the-road shipment, determine road and
terminals, with twine or type III, class 1, pressure-
bridge limitations and display warning flags. Be sure all
sensitive tape conforming to Specification PPP-T60.
stop, clearance, and taillights are in working order.
n. Pneumatic Tires. Tires will be inflated to 100
187. Preparation of Roll Crusher for Storage
Limited storage is defined as storage not to
exceed 6 months. Refer to AR 743-505.
a. General. Detailed instructions for preserving
and maintaining the roll crusher in limited storage are
outlined in this paragraph.
AGO 8157A