( 2 ) Inspect the shaft and keys for burrs,
scoring, o r damaged threads.
The clutch assembly is an overcenter, dry
(3) Inspect, the clutch facing for wear,
d i s k , hand-operated type. A flywheel mounted
c r a c k s , burned or warped condition,
on the engine crankshaft provides a contact
or broken teeth.
suface for the clutch linings on the clutch
plate The flywheel is incased in a housing that
( 4 ) Replace seals and gaskets.
is secured to the crankcase. The clutch housing
( 5 ) Inspect the hub and plates for cracks
is secured to the flywheel housing.
o r breaks.
(6) Inspect the yokes for cracks or breakes.
38. Clutch Assembly Removal and
( 7 ) Replace or repair al1 defective parts
as necessary.
a.. Removal.
40. Clutch Assembly, Reassembly
(1) Remove the main drive belts and rear
and Installation
g u a r d section (par. 29).
clutch assembly from the engine.
assemble the clutch assembly in the reverse
b. D i s a s s e m b l y . Refer to figure 11, and dis-
Note. When reassembling the bearing (44 and 45,
assemble the clutch assembly.
fig. 11) the end play of the shaft should be 0.003 inch.
b. Installation.
39. Clutch Assembly Cleaning, Inspection,
amd Repair
clutch assembly on the engine.
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an ap-
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
( 2 ) Install the main drive belts and rear
guard section (par. 29).
b.Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect the bearings and cup for wear,
(3) Adjust the clutch. assembly TM 5-
pits, or corrosion.
AGO 8498A