TM 5-3820-233-12/1
4-89. Crusher Plant Air Brake System
4-93. Air Brake System Filters
a. Removal.
The crusher plant air brake system consists of reservoir,
air brake chamber, relay emergency valve and air filter.
(2) Disconnect tubing from filter.
4-90. Air Reservoir
(3) Remove U-bolt (10, fig. 4-82) and remove filter
a. Removal.
(1) Open drain cock (40, fig. 4-82) and drain air from
b. Inspection.
(1) Remove cover and inspect strainer, replace if an
(2) Disconnect tubing (19) from elbow (33).
oil substance is present.
(3) Remove bracket (37) and remove the air
(2) Install a new gasket under cover, and replace
reservoir (38).
b. Inspection.
c. Installation. Install the air filter in the reverse order
(1) Inspect reservoir (38, fig. 4-82) for holes dents
of removal.
and corrosion.
4-94. Air Line, Hoses and Fittings
(2) Inspect plug (39), elbow (33) and drain cock (40)
for corrosion or damaged threads. Replace defective
part or reservoir.
hoses and fittings.
c. Installation. Install in the reverse order of removal.
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect hoses and lines for cracks, breaks and
4-91. Brake Chamber
a. Removal.
(2) Inspect fittings for breaks, damaged threads and
worn or damaged gaskets.
(2) Disconnect air line from brake chamber.
(3) Check for leakage in drain cocks and couplings.
Replace a defective part.
b. Inspection. Inspect the brake chamber for proper
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-82 and install lines,
operation and damage. Replace a defective brake
hoses and fittings.
c. Installation. Install the brake chamber in the
4-95. Crusher Plant Wiring Harness and Lights
reverse order of removal.
wiring harness and lights.
b. Inspection.
4-92. Relay Emergency Valve (Air Brake System)
a. Removal.
(2) Inspect the lamps (8, 22, 24 and 27) for loose
(2) Disconnect all hoses, lines and fittings.
connections, corrosion, rust and cracked or broken lens.
(3) Remove nut (29, fig. 4-82) washer (30), bolt (31)
(3) Inspect the lamp supports (25 and 26) for
and remove the relay emergency valve (32) from frame.
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the elbow (20, fig. 4-82) and connector
Replace all defective parts or lights.
(21) for stripped threads.
(2) Inspect the valve (32) for damage. Replace
wiring harness and lights.
defective valve.
c. Installation. Install the relay emergency valve in
the reverse order of removal.