engine checked.
4. Check air temperature to radiator. Few radiators can
adequately cool a fully loaded engine with 125F
(52C) ambient air.
5. Check for recirculating air currents.
Look for the obvious first.
6. Check fan and water pump belts for proper tension.
7. See that engine room vents and louvers are open.
8. Check water hoses for leaks. Is the water pump inlet
1. Check the oil level.
hose collapsed. Hoses have been known to peel off
2. Check floor for oil from leaks.
Internally and restrict water flow.
3. To determine If low oil pressure was the cause of the
9. If the engine is overloaded, overheating can result.
shut down, crank the engine with the fuel valve
disconnected. If unusual noises come from the
Overheating can cause seals and gaskets to relax
engine, discontinue cranking. If oil pressure fails to
and fuel nozzles to change their operating characteristics.
build up, and no external leaks are found, the problem
If severe or prolonged overheating has occurred, have the
is probably internal.