Check the electrolyte level of each cell and the
general condition of the battery.
1. Maintain the electrolyte level to the base of
each vent well.
2. The make-up water must be one of the
following (in order of preference):
a. Distilled water.
b. Odorless, tasteless drinking water.
c. Iron free water.
d. Any available water.
Never add acid or electrolyte.
1. After starting the engine, the ammeter indicator
If there is more than .050 (50 gravity points)
should register to the right of zero, but should
variation between the highest and lowest
never be "pegged".
reading, the battery should be replaced.
2. After the engine has been running, the
5. Adjust the readings to 80F (27C).
indicator should be just to the right of zero.
a. For every 10F (5.5C the electrolyte
If the indicator either "pegs" to the right, or remains to
temperature is above 80F (27C), add
the left of zero with an increase of engine speed, have
.004 (4 gravity points) to the specific
the electrical charging system checked.
gravity reading.
The alternator charging rate maintains the battery's
electrolyte specific gravity reading, and the battery's
Electrolyte temperature = 100F; 38C
performance. An undercharge rate cannot maintain a
Corrected temperature = 80F; 27C
desired 1.250 specific gravity reading. An overcharge
Difference: = 20F; 11C
rate will boil the water from the electrolyte solution. A
Increments: 10; 5.5
proper charging rate should require no more than one
20 10=2; 11 5.5= 2
ounce (30 cc) of water per cell per week to maintain a
2 x 4 gravity points = 8 gravity points
fully charged battery.
Add 8 gravity points to your hydrometer reading to
obtain the adjusted reading at 100F. If the uncorrected
1. Mix a weak solution of baking soda and water.
hydrometer is 1.240 the corrected reading would be:
Apply the solution with a bristle brush.
1.240 + 8, or 1.248
For every 10F (5.5C) the electrolyte
temperature is below 80F (27C), subtract
.004 (4 gravity points) from the specific
gravity reading.
Example: Electrolyte Temperature = 10F; -13C
Corrected temperature = 80F; 27C
Difference = 70F; 40C
Increments: 10; 5.5
70 10= 7; 40 5.5 = 7
7 x 4 gravity points = 28 gravity points
If the uncorrected hydrometer reading is 1.210 the
corrected reading would be 1.210 - 28 = 1.182
The corrected reading is of most importance during
cold weather when the hydrometer reading is always
2. Thoroughly rinse the battery and battery tray
corrected to a lower specific gravity reading. A low
with clean water.
reading signifies the battery has less available power to
3. Apply grease to the battery cable clamps and
crank the engine and that booster batteries may be
terminals and to all threads.