S e c t i o n I . CON V E Y O R BELT S
an approved cleaning solvent and dry thor-
The conveyor belts are of a rubber-fiber com-
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect for breaks,
position. They are threaded over the rollers
f r a y i n g , wear, and other damage. Repair or
a n d head and tail pulleys. The ends are fas-
replace as necessary.
t e n e d together to make an endless-type belt,
driven by electric motors, V-belts and gear
132. Conveyor Belts lnstallation
and Adjustment
130. Conveyor BeIts Removal
a. Installation. Install the conveyor belts on
Remove the conveyor belts from the unit
t h e unit (par. 31).
( p a r . 31).
b. Adjustment. Adjust the conveyor belts
(TM 5-3820-205-10/l).
131. Conveyor Belts Cleaning, Inspection,
and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean the conveyor belts with
S e c t i o n I l . FEEDER CON V E Y O R PU L L E Y ASSEM B L I E S
135. Feeder Conveyor Head Pulley
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
The feeder conveyor has a head and tail pul-
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an ap-
ley. The head pulley is powered by an electric
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
motor and drives the feeder conveyor belt. The
t a i l pulley is an idler pulley over which the
b . I n s p e c t i o n a n d Repair. Inspect all parts
feeder conveyor belt travels.
for breaks, bends, cracks, wear, and other dam-
a g e ; repair or replace worn or damaged parts
134. Feeder Conveyor Head Pulley
as necessary.
Removal and Disassembly
a. Removal.
136. Feeder Conveyor Head Pulley
(1) R e m o v e t h e g e a r r e d u c e r ( T M 5 -
Reassembly end Installation
(2) Remove the feeder conveyor belt (par.
a s s e m b l e the feeder conveyor head pulley in
r e v e r s e order.
b. Installation.
feeder conveyor head pulley from the
feeder conveyor head pulley on the
b . Disassembly. Refer to figure 43, and dis-
assemble the feeder conveyor head pulley.
AGO 8498A