207. Roll Crusher Assembly Cleaning
Inspection, and Repair
The roil crusher consists of four main assem-
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
b l i e s ; the pressure arm, side plates and frame
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
a s s e m b l y ; main drive shaft assembly; smooth
r o l l assembly ; and corrugated roll assembly.
b. Inspection and Repair.
For a detailed description, refer to TM 5-3820-
(1) I n s p e c t all parts for breaks, cracks,
bends, defects, and damaged or worn
2 0 6 . Roll Crusher Assembly Removal
(2) I n s p e c t t h e a t t a c h i n g h a r d w a r e f o r
and Disassembly
breaks, cracks, bends, or stripped
a . Removal.
( 3 ) R e p l a c e or repair a defective or dam-
(1) Remove the roll crusher assembly
a g e d part.
( p a r . 35).
( 4 ) Replace all defective o r damaged at-
( 2 ) R e m o v e the roll crusher hopper and
t a c h i n g hardware.
c h u t e assembly (par. 202).
208. Roll Crusher Assembly R e a s s e m b l y
a n d Installation
assemble the roll crusher assembly.
a . Reassembly. Refer to figure 59, and reas-
Note. Items 78, 79, 80, and 81 will not appear on
semble the roll crusher assembly in the reverse
units with serial numbers 6552, 6575, 6576, and 6579.
Also, unit within these serial numbers will only have
one cover, item 69.
b . Installation.
Note. Item 117 will apply only to units with serial
(1) Install the roll crusher hopper and
numbers 6552, 6575, 6576, and 6579. All other units
c h u t e assembly (par. 204).
will have a 12-hole seal and 12 capscrews and lock-
( 2 ) Install the roll crusher assembly (par.
washers. Torque 12 capscrews to 1150 foot-pounds per
MWO 5-3820-205-45/1.
AGO 8498A