breaks, cracks, bends, or stripped
vibrating screen base box assembly.
(3) Replace or repair all defective or dam-
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 56, and dis-
a g e d parts.
assemble the vibrating base box assembly.
Note. Both sides of the box are identical and dis-
assembled in the same manner.
196. Vibrating Screen Base Box Assembly
R e a s s e m b l y and Installation
195. Vibrating Screen Base Box Assembly
a. Reassembly. Refer to figure 56, and reas-
C l e a n i n g , Inspection, and Repair
semble the vibrating base box assembly in the
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
r e v e r s e order.
cleaning solvent. Dry thoroughly.
b. Installation.
b. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect all parts for breaks, cracks,
vibrating screen base box assembly on
bends, defects, damaged, or worn con-
the unit.
(2) Install the vibrating mechanism as-
(2) Inspect the attaching hardware for
s e m b l y (par. 192).
b. Inspection and Repair.
(1) I n s p e c t all parts for breaks, cracks,
The vibrating screen upper hopper and chute
bends, defects, and damaged or worn
assembly is located under the vibrating screen
b a s e box assembly. The upper screen hopper
controls the flow of material into the lower
( 2 ) I n s p e c t the liner mounting holes for
(3) I n s p e c t t h e a t t a c h i n g h a r d w a r e f o r
1 9 8 . Vibrating Screen Upper Hopper and
breaks, cracks, bends, stripped threads,
C h u t e Assembly Removal
and worn condition.
and Disassembly
( 4 ) R e p l a c e or repair all defective parts
a. Remove the vibrating screen assembly
a n d attaching hardware.
( p a r . 34).
200. Vibrating Screen Upper Hopper and
b. Remove the discharge chute assembly
C h u t e Assembly Reassembly
(TM 5-3820-205-20/1).
a n d Installation
c . Remove the discharge gate (TM 5-3820-
a. Refer to figure 57, and reassemble and in-
s t a l l the screen upper hopper and chute assem-
d . Remove the lower screen hopper (TM 5-
bly in the reverse order.
b . Install the lower screen hopper (TM 5-
assemble the screen hopper and chute assembly.
c . Install the discharge gate (TM 5-3820-
199. Vibrating Screen Upper Hopper and
d . Install the discharge chute assembly (TM
C h u t e Assembly Cleaning,
Inspection, and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
e. Install the vibrating screen assembly (par.
cleaning solvent. Dry thoroughly.
AGO 8498A