TM 5-3820-233-12/1
(2) Inspect the cover adaptor (13) for cracks or
4-21. Oil Cooler
a. Removal.
(3) Inspect the mounting hardware.
(1) Drain the cooling system.
the by-pass oil filter.
b. Disassembly .
by-pass oil filter element.
disassemble the oil cooler.
c. Inspection. Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks
and damage.
d. Test. The oil cooler core may be checked for
leaks as follows:
(1) Make a suitable plate and attach it to the
flange side of the cooler core. Use a gasket made from
rubber to assure a tight seal. The plate should be drilled
and tapped to permit an air hose fitting to be attached at
the inlet side of the core.
(2) Attach an air hose and apply approximately
75 psi air pressure and submerge the cooler core and
plate assembly in a container of water. Any leaks will be
indicated by air bubbles in the water. If leaks are
indicated, replace the core.
the oil cooler.
f. Installation.
(2) Fill the cooling system to the proper level.
4-22. By-Pass Oil Filter
by-pass filter element.
b. Disassembly.
disassemble the by-pass oil filter.
c. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the shell (3) for cracks or damage.
Figure 4-11. Oil cooler, removal and installation.