TM 5-3820-233-35/1
(2) Refer to the Operator's Manual and
(7) Clean all lapped parts with an ap-
install the injector fuel lines, fuel connectors,
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
and rocker arm cover.
f. Reassembly. R e a s s e m b l e t h e f u e l i n -
(3) Refer to the Operator's Manual, and
jecter in the reverse of the numerical se-
adjust the exhaust valves and injectors.
g. Installation and Timing. Refer to the Op-
42. Cylinder Head and Valves
a. General. The
41. Rocker Arms and shaft
one piece casting which can be removed from
the engine as an assembly. Located in the
a. General. The rocker arm assemblies ac-
cylinder head are the cam followers and
tuate the valves and fuel injectors. The two
guides, push rods, rocker arms, exhaust valves
outer rocker arms operate the exhaust valves
and injectors. The cylinder head is secured to
and the center rocker arm operates the fuel
injectors. The rocker arms are operated by
the camshaft through push rods and cam fol-
b. Removal
b. Removal
(1) Refer to the Operator's Manual
erator's Manual).
and remove the rocker arm cover, injector
(2) Remove the muffler and air cleaner
fuel lines, and fuel connectors.
(Operator's Manual).
(3) Remove the hoods, side panels, and
rocker arms and shaft.
tie rods (Operator's Manual).
c. Disassembly. D i s a s s e m b l e t h e r o c k e r
(4) Remove the rocker arm cover (Op-
arms shaft assembly in the numerical se-
erator's Manual).
(5) Remove the exhaust manifold (para
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
(6) Disconnect the throttle control rods
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
at the governor (Operator's Manual).
(2) Inspect the rocker arms for cracks,
(7) Remove the water manifold, thermo-
breaks, and other damage. Examine the bush-
stat housing, and bypass tube (Operator's
ing surfaces of the rocker arms for excessive
wear and scoring. Replace damaged or de-
(3) Remove the fuel oil filter (Opera-
fective rocker arms.
tor's Manual).
(3) Inspect the rocker arms for wear,
(9) Disconnect the governor fuel rod
scoring, and ridges from the action of rocker
from the injector control tube lever. Remove
arms on the shaft. Replace a damaged or de-
the governor subcap and fuel rod (Operator's
fective rocker arm shaft.
(4) Inspect push rods for warpage,
(10) Remove the fuel injectors and in-
cracks, breaks, and other damage. Replace
jector control tube (Operator's Manual).
damaged or defective push rods.
(11) Remove the instrument panel and
(4) Inpsect rocker arm shaft brackets
throttle control rods (Operator's Manual).
and rocker arm bushings for cracks, breaks,
wear, and other damage. Replace damaged or
cylinder head.
c. Disassembly
e. Reassembly. Reassemble the rocker arms
(1) Remove the rocker arms and shafts
and shaft assembly in the reverse of the nu-
(pars 41).
(2) Disassemble the cylinder head in the
f. Installation
numerical sequence as illustrated in figure
rocker and shaft assembly.