TM 5-3820-233-35/1
(2) Inspect the oil pan for dents and
reservoir for the engine lubricating system
punctures. Replace an excessively damaged
and as a housing for the lower internal en-
oil pan.
gine parts. A gasket is located between the
(3) Replace the oil pan gasket.
pan and the cylinder block to prevent loss of
(4) Inspect the mounting bolts and
drain plugs for damaged threads. Replace
b. Removal
damaged parts as necessary.
(2) Drain the oil (Operator's Manual).
assemble the oil pan assembly.
(3) Remove bolts, gasket, and oil pan
f. Installation
from the engine block.
(1) Secure the oil pan gasket and oil
pan to the engine block.
disassemble the oil pan assembly.
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
(3) Refill with engine oil (Operator's
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.