TM 5-3820-233-35/1
In order to keep the reciprocating type
and maintenance procedures as the counter-
feeder working most efficiently, the feeder
shaft bearing assembly illustrated on figure
hopper must be kept reasonably full of mate-
30-3. Disassemble the plate support shaft bear-
rial at all times during operation. The shovel
or crane operator should exercise care in load-
ing material, easing the first load of each op-
g. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
eration into the empty hopper, and following
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
soon enough with the next load so that the
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
previous one acts as a cushion. This will save
(2) Perform a magnetic inspection of all
unnecessarv wear o n t h e h o p p e r a n d f e e d
shafts. Inspect shafts for wear or a bent con-
plate and at the same time keep a supply of
dition. Replace a defective shaft.
material in the hopper.
(3) Inspect hopper liners for wear or ex-
d. Each load should be placed in the cen-
treme damage. Replace defective hopper liners
ter of the hopper and allowed as short a
as required.
"free fall" as possible, to prevent injury to
(4) lnspect bearing assemblies for pit-
the operating personnel and damage to the
ting, scoring or wear. Replace defective bear-
machine from spillage.
ing assembly components as necessary.
e. Feeder and hopper component parts can
(5) Inspect all parts for wear or damage.
be removed and installed with the feeder in-
Replace defective parts.
stalled on the plant. However, for overhaul
h. Plate Support Shaft Bearing Reassem-
operations, the feeder and hopper should be
bly. Reassemble the plate support shaft bear-
removed from the plant.
figure 30-3..
i.Drive Crank Bearing Reassembly. Reas-
a. Removal
semble the drive crank assemblies
(1) Remove feeder and hopper, complete
(71, fig. 31-1) as illustrated on 31-3.
with feeder drive, from the plant (para 25).
(2) Remove and disassemble the feeder
j. Connecting Rod Bearing Reassembly. Re-
drive (para, 55).
assemble the connecting rod bearing assem-
b. Hopper Disassembly (fig. 31-1)
(1) Remove nuts (20 and 24), lockwash-
k. Feeder Reassembly. reassemble the feed-
ers (21 and 25) and capscrews (22 and 26),
er in the reverse of the numerical sequence as
then remove the feeder hopper.
(2) Disassemble the feeder hopper and
l. Hopper Reassembly
c. Feeder Disassembly. Disassemble feeder
(1) Reassemble the feeder hopper and
in the numerical sequence as illustrated on
(2) Install hopper to the feeder frame
d. Connecting Rod Bearing Disassembly.
and secure in place with capscrews (22 and
and 24).
m. Installation
e. Drive Crank Bearing Disassembly. Dis-
assemble drive crank bearing assemblies (71,
(1) Reassemble and install the feeder
drive (para 55).
(2) install feeder and hopper complete
f. Plate Support Shaft Bearing Disassem-
with feeder drive to the plant (para 25).
bly. The plate support shaft bearing assem-