TM 5-3820-233-35/1
Figure 31-2. Drive crank bearing assembly,
exploded view.
Figure 31-2. Connecting rod beating assembly,
exploded view.
housed roller bearings attached to the crusher
base. The lower end of the pitman is hinged
a. The jaw crusher is used in the primary
on one end of the toggle plate. The other end
plant. It will crush rock down to the size
of the toggle plate oscillates in a groove in
specified in one operation or to a size that
the toggle bearing wedge which is attached
can be further reduced by the roll crusher in
to the crusher base.
the secondary plant.
d. The toggle plate also serves as a safety
b. The jaw crusher consists of two sub-as-
device in the crusher, as it will break when
semblies that can be disassembled for high
uncrushable material passes through the jaws.
level maintenance and overhaul. The base as-
The eccentric crusher shaft and toggle plate
sembly consists of the crusher base, stationary
impart a crushing and downward motion to
jaw, key plates, and adjusting mechanism. The
the pitman and movable jaw as the crusher
shaft and pitman, assembly consists of the ec-
shaft turns. The horizontal length of the
centric shaft, pitman, movable jaw, side and
crushing motion gradually diminishes be-
pitman bearings, side bearing housings, all
tween the top and bottom of the movable
bearing seals and spacers, and two flywheels,
jaw, p r o d u c i n g a l o n g p r i m a r y c r u s h i n g
c. Rock is crushed between the stationary
stroke at the top of the jaw and a short stroke
jaw and the movable jaw. The stationary jaw
for crushing to a more uniform size at the
is held in place in the base by key plates.
bottom. A cross section view of the jaw crush-
The movable jaw is attached to the pitman.
The pitman is mounted on roller bearings on
the eccentric portion of the crusher shaft, the
e. Jaw crusher size refers to the opening at
concentric ends of which are mounted in
the top of the crusher. This opening is meas-