TM 5-3820-233-35/1
(5) Remove toggle plate and tension rod
and spring if not already removed (steps b
Note. Do not remove jaw crusher from plant un-
and d above).
less the crusher base has been damaged. If jaw crusher
(6) Remove key plates if not already re-
must be removed, refer to para 26.
a. Flywheels and Pulleys Disassembly
(1) Remove walkway and railing (Op-
Note. It is not necessary to remove key plates
and stationary jaw to remove the pitman and side
erator's Manual).
bearings from crusher. However, if the key plates need
to be interchanged from side to side because of wear,
or the jaw needs to be turned or replaced they can be
b. Tension Spring and Rod Disassembly.
removed at this time. It is also not necessary to remove
Disassemble the tension springs and rod (32
the movable jaw at this time unless it needs to be re-
placed or turned. All that has to be removed to lift
the pitman out of the base, as shown in fig. 32-7, is
c. Key Plates and Jaws Disassembly. Refer
the middle jaw wedge bolt, so it is possible to attach
the movable and stationary crusher jaws.
Important. If parts are to be used again, match
d. Toggle Plate Disassembly
mark the parts as they are removed to be sure of get-
ting them in the same position on the same side of
(1) Attach a chain through hole in cen-
the rrusher when reassembled.
the other end of chain to crusher base as
(7) Remove capscrews which secure the
side bearing housings to the crusher.
(2) Install and position hydraulic jack
(8) Remove the pitman bearing and
shaft assembly as shown on fig. 32-7. Place
handle until the pitman is pushed forward to
the pitman and shaft assembly on a bench
allow toggle plate removal.
with jaw side of pitman resting on bench.
(9) Side bearings disassembly. The two
e. Adjustable Toggle Seat Disassembly
side bearings are identical in construction and
maintenance procedure. However, there are
Note. The adjustable toggle seat can be re-
moved with pitman assembly installed or removed. If
parts that are designated as right hand and
pitman is to be removed for overhaul, remove adjust-
left hand and must be assembled as such.
able toggle seat after pitman removal.
The right hand and left hand of crusher is
(1) With the pitman pushed forward
determined when standing behind the crusher
facing the tension rod.
6) and shims (69 through 72, fig. 32-2).
(a) Remove grease seal, bearing spac-
(2) Insert a light chain through shim
and flinger from shaft as shown on fig.
slots and attach it to the adjustable toggle
seat (93). Remove slack from chain,
(b) Measure radial clearance between
(3) Remove shim support bracket (86).
the rollers and the outer race of bearing. Re-
(4) Remove toggle seat supports (90).
cord this measurement as it will be used in
(5) Lower adjustable toggle seat from
the reassembly if same bearing is installed.
(c) Straighten prong on lockwasher
f. Shaft, Pitman and Side Bearing Disas-
of the notches of bearing lock nut (103 and
(1) Remove walkway and railing (Op-
127). Remove bearing lock nut and washer as
erator's Manual).
(2) Remove guards (Operator's Man-
(d) Remove the sleave lock nuts (105
and 129), and lockwasher (106 and 130) as
(3) Remove drive V-belts (Operator's
dure as discussed above (step 4c) .
(e) Thread removal nut (Special Tool
(4) Remove flywheels and pulleys if not
697BA) onto shaft until it shoulders firmly