removing rear floor plate. The seat mounting base,
complete with seat, may be removed to aid accessibility.
Using a chain or belt filter wrench, remove canister.
Remove old element and check for foreign material
deposits. Install new element and O ring. Install filter
canister and torque to 20 to 25 ft- lbs (2,8 to 3,5 m-kg).
Refill transmission to FULL mark (refer to LUBRICANTS
-SPECIFICATION CHART). Idle engine to prime
converter and lines and recheck level, topping to FULL
mark as required. When oil temperature is at operating
temperature of 180 to 200F (82 to 93C) make final oil
level check.
ADJUST BRAKE every 800 hours or as required.
Refer to vendor service manual.
Transmission Oil Dipstick and Cover
made every 200 hours with transmission oil at operating
CHECK OIL LEVEL daily on transmission oil dipstick
temperature of 180 to 2000F (82 to 93C).
with engine idling and transmission oil at 180 to 200F
(82 to 93C). Maintain oil level between dipstick
"Converter Out" pressure reading is taken
markings, adding fluid as necessary (refer to
with a 150 psi pressure gauge installed in test port on
tee fitting at transmission. Pressure reacing should be a
transmission fill plug.
minimum of 25 psi (173 kPa 11,8 kglsq cm) with
transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL and engine at 2000
RPM. Maximum pressure is not to exceed 70 psi (483
kPal4,9 kglsq cm) with transmission shift lever in
NEUTRAL and engine operating with no load at
governed speed (2800 RPM).
Transmission Oil Filler-Breather Cap
OIL AND FILTER CHANGE should be made after initial
50 hours of operation and thereafter filter change every
200 hours and oil and filter change every 400 hours.
Transmission oil should be at operating temperature.
"Converter Out" Pressure Test
Remove sump screen, cleaning thoroughly and replace
using new gaskets. Access to the filter can be made by
Rev. 760501