TM 5-3820-205-10-1
17. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0°F)
a. General. Special care must be taken when operating the roll crusher in cold weather. Refer to FM 9-
b. Lubrication. Use the proper grade of lubricant for all points of lubrication. Refer to LO 5-3820-205-12-1.
c. Cooling System. For checking the antifreeze solution refer to organizational maintenance.
Warning: Do not smoke or allow any flames or sparks in the vicinity while checking or filling the
battery. The battery generates hydrogen, a highly explosive gas.
Warning: Battery acid (electrolyte) is extremely dangerous. Serious injury to personnel may
result if battery acid contacts skin or eyes.
d. Batteries. A fully charged battery can withstand low temperatures. A partially charged battery may
freeze and crack the cells. Keep battery fully charged and the electrolyte at 1/2 in. above the plates
(para 61). Refer to TM 9-6140-200-14. If water is added to batteries, run the engine at 1000 rpm for
ten minutes.
e. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank filled to prevent condensation. Any water in the tank will be carried
to the fuel filter. Keep the fuel tank cap and vent free from moisture and ice. Drain the wafer from the
fuel filter daily during extreme cold weather operation.
18. Operation in Extreme Heat
a Lubrication. Use the proper grade of lubricant for all points of lubrication. Refer to paragraph 29 and LO
53820-205-12-lfor special lubrication instructions.
Warning: Cooling system is pressurized. Remove radial for cap slowly and only when engine is
cool (below 120°F) or painful burns could result.
Caution: Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine or engine may be damaged. Allow engine to
cool (below 120°F) before adding coolant.
b. Cooling System. Check the coolant level more frequently and keep the cooling system clean. Avoid
the use of water containing alkali, salt, or other substances that would cause rapid formation of scale
or rust. Ensure that radiator air passages are clean. If air passages are blocked, or obstructions such
as dirt, leaves, or debris cannot be removed by hand, notify organizational maintenance. If engine
becomes overheated, allow to cool (below 120°F) before adding coolant, then add coolant in small
amounts as the engine is running at idle speed.
Warning: Do not smoke or allow any flames or sparks in the vicinity while checking or filling the
battery. The battery generates hydrogen, a highly explosive gas.
Warning: Battery acid (electrolyte) is extremely dangerous. Serious injury to personnel may
result if battery acid contacts skin or eyes.
c. Batteries. Water in the batteries will evaporate rapidly at high temperatures. Check the batteries
frequently. The electrolyte level should be 1/2 in. above plates. Refer to TM 9-6140-200-14.
19. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
a Lubrication.
(1) Clean all filters frequently and clean all lubrication points before applying lubricant.
(2) Keep the outside of the engine and the electrical motors clean. Dirt left on the outside will
eventually filtrate into the motor. Dirt remaining on the outside can also interfere with proper
(3) Clean area around the lubrication oil filter cap and dipstick level gage before adding or checking
the oil.
(4) Lubricate in accordance with current lubrication order LO 5-3820-205-12-1.
b. Cooling System.
Warning: Cooling system is pressurized. Remove radial for cap slowly and only when engine is
cool (below 120 °F) or painful burns could result.
Caution: Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine or engine may be damaged. Allow engine to
cool (below 120°F) before adding coolant.
(1) Keep the radiator and fins clean and free of foreign material.
(2) Check the level of coolant in the radiator frequently. Fill to proper level with coolant. Check all
hoses and gaskets for leaks.
(3) Check the air cleaner frequently (para 56).
20. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
a Lubrication. Lubricate the roll crusher in accordance with LO 5-3820-205-12-1.