TM 5-3820-205-10-1
Warning: Cooling system is pressurized. Remove radiator cap slowly and only when engine is
cool (below 120°F) or painful burns could result.
Caution: Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine or engine may be damaged. Allow engine to
cool (below 120°F) before adding coolant.
b. Cooling System. The transfer of heat from the engine and radiator to the atmosphere is much slower
under rainy or humid conditions. To prevent overheating, keep the cooling system full, the radiator cap secure,
the radiator core free of obstructions, and the fan belt properly adjusted.
Warning: Do not smoke or allow any flames or sparks in the vicinity while checking or filling the
battery. The battery generates hydrogen, a highly explosive gas.
c. Batteries. Keep the outside of the batteries dry and free from corrosion. Clean and coat the terminals
and connectors with a suitable grease to prevent corrosion. Check the insulation of the cables and jumpers for
signs of deterioration, mold, or mildew.
d. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank full to prevent condensation. Moisture will accumulate in the air space
above the fuel in the tank. Service the fuel filter frequently (para 55).
e. Conveyors and Belts. Keep the scrapers adjusted and belts as clean as possible. Clean the conveyors
and belts after each operation to prevent material from drying, caking, and building up on them.
f. Exposed Metal Surfaces. Exposure to high humidity and rain causes rusting and corrosive action on
exposed metal surfaces. Coat all unpainted surfaces with a suitable lubrication oil or grease.
g. Protection. Cover the engine, electric motors, and controls with a tarpaulin or similar protection during
periods of non-operation. Remove covers and open engine panels to allow unit to dry during dry periods before
operation. Paint or coat with grease all exposed metal surfaces to prevent rusting.
21. Operation in Saltwater Areas
a. General. The deterioration and corrosion of exposed metal surfaces is greatly accelerated in
saltwater areas. Paint all exposed nonpolished surfaces (TM 43-0139).Coat exposed parts of polished steel and
other ferrous materials with standard issue rustproofing material, if available, or cover parts with a light coat of
grease. Lubricate the roll crusher in accordance with LO 5-3820-205-12-1.
Warning: Cooling system is pressurized. Remove radial for cap slowly and only when engine is
cool (below 120°F) or painful burns could result.
Caution: Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine or engine may be damaged. Allow engine to
cool (below 120°F) before adding coolant.
Caution: The cooling system is not intended for use with saltwater. However, saltwater may be
used in an emergency. Drain, flush, and fill the cooling system as soon as possible after having used
this expedient.
b. Cooling System. Ensure that water used in the cooling system is free of salt or alkali. Use an approved
rust inhibitor to prevent the formation of rust or scale in the cooling system.
c. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank full to prevent accumulation of salt-laden moisture in the tank as a
result of condensation of the air in the space above the fuel. Service refuel filter frequently (para 55). Before
each operation, open the fuel tank drain valve (para 57) and drain about one pint of fuel from fuel tank. This will
normally eliminate any water and dirt that has accumulated in the tank and settled to the bottom while the
equipment was idle. Inspect the air cleaner frequently (para 56).
d. Electrical System. Keep the electrical system clean and dry. Wipe the equipment frequently to
eliminate moisture and salt deposits. Pay particular attention to electrical terminals, connectors, and switches.
22. Operation in High Altitudes
The roll crusher is designed to operate efficiently at altitudes up to 5000 feet. Above 5000 feet the engine
will operate with an increased loss of efficiency as the altitude increases. It is necessary to decrease the
amount of fuel injected into the engine to compensate for the lower atmospheric pressure. If the engine is
operating erratically, with an apparent loss of power, report this condition to organizational maintenance. Keep
the air cleaner and air passages clean and free of obstructions that would restrict the amount of air flowing to
the engine.