TM 5-3820-205-10-1
Fuel connections loose on suction side ................ Tighten all fuel filter fittings and connections from fuel tank to
of fuel pump
fuel pump.
Fuel filter plugged or suction line restricted .......... Replace fuel filter. Inspect fuel hose for restriction.
No fuel in pump ................................................... Prime fuel pump (fig. 43).
Intake or exhaust restricted .................................. Check intake and exhaust system for restrictions.
Engine Starts But Will Not Keep Running
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Air in fuel system ................................................. Check for air in fuel, tighten fuel connections and filter.
Clutch engaged f................................................... Disengage clutch.
Fuel filter plugged ................................................ Replace fuel filter.
Fuel waxing due to cold weather .......................... Check fuel grade.
Fuel suction line restricted ................................... Check fuel line for restriction.
Fuel contaminated ............................................... Verify by operating engine from a temporary supply tank.
Engine Will Not Shut Off
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Fuel pump shut-off valve disc stuck ..................... Check opening and closing of electrics.
Fuel tank vent plugged or closed ......................... Check manual control fording valve inside fuel cap.
Fuel drain line restricted ....................................... Check fuel drain line for loops, crimps, or clamped points.
Lubricating Oil Pressure Low
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Incorrect oil level ................................................. Check for oil leaks. Add or drain engine oil. Check dipstick
Oil pressure gage malfunction .............................. Check oil pressure gage. Replace if necessary.
Oil diluted with fuel .............................................. Change oil.
Incorrect oil specifications .................................... Change oil and check oil specifications.
Oil filter plugged .................................................. Replace oil filter.
Oil temperature above normal ............................. Check coolant temperature for above normal condition
Coolant Temperature Above Normal
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Low coolant level ................................................. Add coolant.
Radiator fins damaged or obstructed with debris .. Clean or repair radiator fins.
Collapsed radiator hose ....................................... Replace radiator hose.
Loose fan drive or water pump belt ...................... Tighten fan drive or water pump belt.
Incorrect oil level ................................................. Add or drain engine oil.
Cooling fan shroud damaged or missing ............... Repair or replace fan shroud.
Incorrect or malfunctioning radiator cap ............... Replace radiator cap.
Temperature gage malfunction ............................ Check temperature gage. Replace if necessary.
Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed When Loaded
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Excessive load for engine horsepower rating ....... Check equipment for proper operation or binding.
Tachometer malfunction ...................................... Check rpm with external tachometer.
Throttle linkage adjustment wrong ........................ Check for full throttle travel.
Fuel suction line restricted ................................... Check fuel inlet for restriction.
White Smoke or Rough Running at Idle (After Warmup Period)
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Low coolant temperature ...................................... Report to organizational maintenance.
Fuel quality poor .................................................. Verify by operating engine from a temporary supply tank.