Section I. GENERAL
1. Scope
a. These instructions are published for use of the personnel to whom the Jaw Crusher, Eagle Crusher Model
5157, is issued. They provide information on the operation and organizational maintenance of the equipment. Also
included are descriptions of main units and their functions in relationship to other components.
b. Appendix I contains a list of publications applicable to this manual. Appendix II contains the maintenance
allocation chart. The organizational maintenance repair parts and special tool lists are in TM 5-3820-205-20P/2.
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indicate quantity.
Numbers preceding nomenclature callouts on
illustrations indicate the preferred maintenance sequence.
d. The direct reporting, by the individual user, of errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving this
manual is authorized and encouraged. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Charges to Technical Manual Parts Lists or
Supply Manual 7, 8, or 9) will be used for reporting these improvements. This form will be completed in triplicate using
pencil, pen, or typewriter. The original and one copy will be forwarded direct to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Army
Mobility Support Center, ATTN: SMOMS-MM, P.O. Box 119, Columbus, Ohio 43216. One information copy will be
provided to the individual's immediate supervisor (e.g., officer, noncommissioned officer, supervisor, etc.).
Report all equipment improvement recommendations as prescribed in TM 38-750.
Record and Report Forms
DA Form 2258
Depreservation Guide of Engineer Equipment.
For other record and report forms applicable to organizational maintenance, refer to TM 38-750.
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46 which is carried by the operator, shall be kept in a canvas bag
mounted on the equipment.
A general description and illustration of the jaw crusher is contained in TM 5-3820-205-10/2. Specific and detailed
descriptions of the components of the jaw crusher are provided in the applicable maintenance paragraphs of this manual.
Identification and Tabulated Data
a. Identification. The identification and instruction plates mounted on the main components of the jaw crusher,
are described in TM 543820-205-10/2. In addition, the following identification plates are found on the small,
interchangeable accessories and other components of the jaw crusher.
Starter motor identification plate. The starter motor identification plate provides make, model, serial
number, and voltage of the starter motor. It is mounted on the starter housing.
Generator identification plate. The generator identification plate provides
AGO 8156A