Section I. GENERAL
C h a n g e s to DA Technical Manual Parts Lists
or Supply Manual 7, 8, or 9) will be used for
a . These instructions are published for the
r e p o r t i n g these improvements. This form will
u s e of field and dept maintenance personnel
b e completed in triplicate using pencil, pen, or
m a i n t a i n i n g the Eagle Model 5230B Crusher.
t y p e w r i t e r . The original and one copy will be
T h e y provide information on the maintenance
f o r w a r d e d direct to the Commanding Officer,
of the equipment which is beyond the scope
U . S. Army Mobility Support Center, ATTN:
of the tools, equipment, personnel, or supplies
S M O M S - M M , P. 0. Box 119, Columbus, Ohio
normally available to using organizations.
43216. One information copy will be provided
b. Appendix I contains a list of publications
to the individual's immediate supervisor, (e.g.,
applicable to this manual. The maintenance
officer, n o n c o m m i s s i o n e d officer, supervisor,
allocation chart is located in the organizational
maintenance manual TM 52820-205-20/1.
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
F i e l d and depot maintenance repair parts are
m e n d a t i o n s as prescribed by TM 38-750.
listed in TM 5-3820-205-35p/1.
e. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
2. Record and Report Forms
i n d i c a t e quantity. Numbers preceding nomen-
clature callouts on illustrations indicate the
For record and report forms applicable to
p r e f e r r e d maintenance sequence.
f i e l d and depot maintenance, refer to TM 38-
d. The direct reporting by the individual
u s e r , of errors, omissions, and recommenda-
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46
t i o n s for improving this manual is authorized
which is carried by the operator. will be kept in a
and encouraged. DA Form 2028 (Recommended
canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
overhaul data pertinent to field and depot main-
tenance personnel.
A general description of the roll crusher, the
l o c a t i o n and description of the identification
b. Diesel Engine Classification and Rating.
a n d instruction plates, and information on the
Maximum rpm- (No load
1,530 rpm (revolution per
d i f f e r e n c e in models are contained in TM 5-
3 8 2 0 - 2 0 5 - 1 0 . A more detailed description of
Compression ratio----------- 14.7 : 1
the components is contained in TM 5-3820-
Displacement---------------- 802 cu in. (cubic inches)
2 0 5 - 2 0 . The repair and maintenance instruc-
Number of cylinders-------- 6
t i o n s are described in appropriate sections of
Bore and stroke--------------- 5 9/16 x 5 in. (inches)
this manual.
Torque------------------------ 620 ft-lb (foot-pounds) a t
1,300 rpm
Oil pressure at 1,400 rpm----55-65 psi (pounds per
a . General. This paragraph contains all the
square inch)
AGO 8496A