either is apparent, replace the cam-
b. Remove the injection pump drive gear as-
s h a f t thrust plate.
s e m b l y (par. 70).
c. Remove the vibration damper and drive
88. Timing Gear and End Plate
p u l l e y (par. 82).
Assembly Installation
gear cover from the engine.
g e a r s and end plate assembly on the engine.
Note. With a suitable lifting device raise and block
Torque camshaft nut to 120 to 130 foot-pounds.
the engine.
b. Pry the teeth as far apart as possible and
measure the clearance with a 0.0015 inch feeler
gears and end plate assembly from the engine.
g a g e . Clearance is not excessive if the gage
w i l l not enter the gap between the teeth. To
87. Timing Gear and End Plate Assembly
b e certain the gears are not too tight, touch
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
t h e gears at a mating point and tap the cam-
s h a f t gear; if there is vibration at the mating
a. Cleaning. Clean all metal parts in an ap-
point the fit is correct.
proved cleaning solvent. Replace all gaskets.
c. Check camshaft end play. Correct end
b. Inspection and Repair.
p l a y should be 0.005 to 0.009 inch. Replace
Inspect the timing gear cover and
thrust plate if end play is incorrect.
front engine mount for cracks or dam-
d . Check crankshaft end play, Correct end
a g e to machined surfaces. Replace
play is 0.005 to 0.008 inch. Add or remove
t h e oil seal and any other defective
shims as necessary to obtain correct end play.
(2) Inspect gears for chips, cracks, worn
gear cover on the engine.
or broken teeth. Replace damaged or
defective gears.
f. Install the vibration damper and drive
Note. Crankshaft and camshaft gears
p u I I e y (par. 84).
must be replaced in pairs.
g . Install the injection pump drive gear as-
(3) Inspect the end plate for straightness
s e m b l y (par. 72).
and replace as necessary.
h . Install the engine housing (TM 5-3820-
(4) Inspect camshaft thrust plate for
scoring and wear. If any indication of
S e c t i o n X I V . EN G I N E OI L PAN AN D DRI P PAN
90. Engine Oil Pan and Drip Pan Removal
and Disassembly
The oil pan assembly is mounted on the bot-
a. Removal.
tom of the engine block and serves as a cover
for the crankshaft, main bearings, and connect-
(1) Remove the engine assembly (par.
ing rod bearings, and as a reservoir for the
e n g i n e lubricating oil. The access cover plate
( 2 ) Remove the engine housing (TM 5-
is part of the oil pan assembly; it allows access
to the lubricating oil pump screen and the
lubricating oil pressure relief valve without re-
engine oil pan and drip pan from the
m o v a l of the entire pan assembly. There is a
engine and frame.
drain plug in the access cover plate which con-
tains a magnet for the purpose of removing
assemble the oil pan.
particles of steel from the oil.
AGO 8498A