b. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect the wiring harness and conduit
T h e crusher chassis wiring harness consists
f o r breaks, worn areas, and damage,
of heavy duty wiring in conduit, clamped to
t h e frame. The maintenance of the wiring for
s u i t a b l e instrument or test light.
the chassis components of the crusher and from
the accessories to the towing vehicle is covered
( 3 ) Check for shorts between leads and
in this section.
( 4 ) Replace worn, damaged, or defective
221. Chassis Wiring Harness Removal
leads and conduit.
a . Disconnect the trailer marker, tail, and
b l a c k o u t lights (TM 5-3820-205-20/1).
223. Chassis Wiring Harness Installation
a. Install the wiring harness, conduit. clips,
b . Disconnect the wiring harness from the
and screws on the chassis.
trailer electrical coupling (TM 5-3820-205-
b. Connect the trailer marker, tail, and
c. Remove the screws and clips which secure
b l a c k o u t lights (TM 5-3820-205-20/1).
t h e wiring harness conduit to the chassis and
c. Connect the wiring harness to the trailer
remove the harness and conduit.
e l e c t r i c a l coupling (TM 5-3820-206-20/1).
222. Chassis Wiring Harness Cleaning,
I n s p e c t i o n , and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an ap-
p r o v e d cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
AGO 8498A