1 . Dictionaries of Terms and Abbreviations
Dictionary of United States Army Terms.
AR 320-5
Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes.
AR 320-50
2. Fire Protection
R e p a i r s and Utilities; Fire Protection Equipment and Appliances; In-
TM 5-687
spections, Operations, and Preventive Maintenance.
O r d n a n c e Maintenance: Fire Extinguishers.
TM 9-1799
3. Lubrication
Crusher, Roll: Diesel and Electric Driven; Wheel Mounted, Pneumatic
LO 5-3820-205-20/1
Tires; 75 Ton Per Hour (Eagle Crusher Model 5230B) W/Engine
Continental Model SD 802.
4. Operating Instructions
O p e r a t o r ' s Manual: Crusher, Roll: Diesel and Electric Driven; Wheel
TM 5-3820-205-10/1
M o u n t e d , Pneumatic Tires; 75 Ton Per Hour (Eagle Crusher Model
5 2 3 0 B ) FSN 3820-788-5999; Component of Crushing and Screening
Plant; Diesel and Electric Driven; Wheel Mounted; 75 Ton Per Hour.
5. Organizational Maintenance
Organizational Maintenance Manual. Crusher, Roll: Diesel and Electric
TM 5-3820-206-20/1
M o u n t e d , Pneumatic Tires; 75 Ton Per Hour (Eagle Crusher Model
5 2 3 0 B ) FSN 3820-788-5999; Component of Crushing and Screening
Plant ; Diesel and Electric Driven; Wheel Mounted; 75 Ton Per Hour.
6. Painting
Painting Instructions for Field Use.
TM 9-213
7. Preventive Maintenance
M a i n t e n a n c e Responsibilities and Shop Operation.
AR 750-5
TM 5-764
Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold
TM 9-207
Weather (0 to -65 F.).
Care and Maintenance of Pneumatic Tires.
TM 9-1870-1
Storage Batteries, Lead-Acid Type.
TM 9-6140-200-15
The Army Equipment Records System and Procedures.
TM 38-750
AGO 8498A