(3) Loosen the screws (1, fig. 14) and turn the
(1) Inspect the governor body and switch cover
cap clockwise until the engine shuts-down,
body assembly for cracks, breaks, and
turn the cap 1/16 inch counterclockwise and
If either part is damaged,
tighten the screws, push reset button and
replace it.
the adjustment is complete.
(2) Inspect the weight and shaft assembly for
(4) If the overspeed governor fails to stop the
distortion and wear. Revolve shaft bearing
engine at 1,650 rpm, loosen the screws (1)
to make sure it runs freely. Inspect the
and turn the cap (12) counterclockwise to
governor weight springs when installed to
decrease speed. Repeat the procedure as
see that they return the weight to a "no
described in (2) above.
speed" position. Replace any part that is
(5) Connect the throttle control cable (TM 5-
(3) Inspect all insulating washers for cracks or
distortion. Replace a damaged insulating
(6) If proper adjustment cannot be attained,
repair or replace the overspeed governor.
(4) Replace all hardware and adjusting screws
if threads are damaged or if damaged in
b. Removal.
Remove the overspeed governor
any other way.
assembly (TM 6-3820-205-20/2).
59. Overspeed Governor Assembly Reassembly and
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 14 and disassemble
the overspeed governor.
a. Reassembly. Refer to figure 14 and reassemble
Note. Release the retaining ring (22, fig. 14) before
the overspeed governor in the reverse order.
removing the body assembly (31).
Note. When reassembling the governor fill the cavity
Overspeed Governor
inspection, and Repair
Note. When installing the body assembly (31, fig. 14)
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a cloth dampened with
compress the retaining ring (22) and seat it in the groove
an approved cleaning solvent and wipe dry with a clean
in the body assembly.
b. Installation.
Install the overspeed governor
b. Inspection and Repair.
assembly (TM 4-3820-205-20/2).
60. General
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 15 and disassemble
the fuel injector assembly.
The flue injector assemblies on the jaw crusher engine
have pintle-type nozzles. They inject the fuel oil into the
62. Fuel Injector Assemblies Cleaning, Inspection,
cylinders of the diesel engine at a high-pressure (1,750-
and Repair
1,850 psi). The fuel injectors are held in the engine block
by a hold down yoke secured with studs and nuts. There
a. Cleaning.
are two fuel lines attached to the injector, one the high
pressure line from the injection pump, and the other the
(1) Clean all carbon off the nozzle and valve.
excess fuel return line to the pump.
Do not use sharp tools or abrasives.
(2) Clean the remaining parts of the fuel
injector in an approved cleaning solvent.
a. Removal. Remove the fuel injector assemblies (TM 5-
Caution: Do not touch any polished surface with the
fingers after flushing Moisture from the finger will
cause corrosion.
AGO 8456A