TM 5-3820-233-12/2
3-15. Eccentric Shaft
(3) Improperly adjust coil spring will create a
a. General. The screen vibrating unit consists of
condition that can cause the vibrating unit bearings to
two roller-mounted, intergeared eccentric shafts. This
overheat. Check the coil springs for adjustment often
unit is subjected to strain, by reason of its functional use,
and regular inspection should be made to insure that all
(4) Keep air breather in gear case clean at all
capscrews are securing, the main boxes, housing
times. Bearings will heat excessively if the gear case air
flanges, gear case cover and outer bearing covers be
vent is plugged with dirt and fails to operate.
kept securely tightened.
3-16. Screens
b. Inspection.
a. General. Woven wire screens are located in the
(1) Check lubrication points and check oil and
two decks of the virbrating screen box. These screens
grease regularly as directed by current lubrication order.
are of varied sizes to allow grading of material being run
Bearings will heat excessively and may fail in a
comparatively short time if insufficiently lubricated.
(2) Tighten all capscrews or nuts on outside of
gear case cover, housing flanges and outer bearing
Figure 3-7. Screen wire arrangement.
channel door mats to the screen wire frame
screens and frame.
with pliable wire, center the screen wire in
c. Inspection.
screen box and assemble clamp bars and
(1) Inspect wire screen for wear. If necessary,
bolts. With a man on each side of screen
replace screen.
box, start tightening evenly, the clamp bar
(2) Inspect mounting hardware for dam- age or
bolts which are directly across from each
missing parts.
other. Tighten the full length of the clamp bar
(3) Inspect rubber channels for wear and
and then repeat the tightening procedure.
damage. Replace if necessary.
With the final tightening procedure, drive on
d. Installation. Refer to figure 3-8 and install the
the clamp bar with a hammer on either side
frame and screens.
of bolt being tightened but do not strike the
bolt head.
When installing screens, secure rubber