TM 5-3820-233-12/2
g. Position the Injector Rack Control Levers.
(1) Turn outer adjusting screw in until a slight
Exhaust valves may be adjusted, in firing order
movement of the injector control tube lever is observed.
sequence, during one full revolution of the
Tighten inner adjusting screw.
crank- shaft.
(2) Pull out fuel rod and check for 1/32" to 1/16"
(1) Place the governor speed control rod lever in the
movement. If movement exceeds this back off inner
No-Fuel position.
adjusting screw 1/8 of a turn and tighten outer adjusting
(2) Rotate the crankshaft until the injector follower is
screw. If less than specified back off outer adjusting screw
fully depressed on the cylinder to be adjusted.
1/8 of a turn and tighten inner screw.
(3) Disconnect fuel rod from injector control tube
When using a wrench on the crankshaft bolt at
(4) Holding onto clevis at end of injector control
the front of the engine, do not turn the
tube position number 1 injector in the FULL FUEL position,
crankshaft to the left because the bolt may be
and screw down the inner adjusting screw of number 2
injector until the injector control lever for that injector
contacts the injector body.
(3) Loosen the push rod lock nut.
(5) Tighten outer adjusting screw until it touches
(4) Place a 0.013 inch feeler gage between the
lightly on the injector control tube. Alternately tighten both
valve stem and the rocker arm (fig. 4-5). Adjust the push
the inner and outer adjusting screws until tight.
rod to obtain a smooth "pull" on the feeler gage.
(6) Make sure the rack remains snug on the pin of
(5) Remove the feeler gage. Hold the push rod with
the rack control lever at number 1 injector.
a 5/16 inch wrench and tighten the lock nut with a 1/2 inch
(7) Position the remaining rack control levers.
When settings are correct, the racks of all injectors must be
(6) Recheck the clearance. At this time, if the
snug on the pins of the rack control levers when control
adjustment is correct, the 0.011 feeler gage, will pass freely
tube lever is in "FULL FUEL" position.
between the valve stem and the rocker arm, but the 0.015
4-14. Exhaust Valve Clearance Adjustment
inch feeler gage will not pass through.
a. General. Whenever the valve operating mechansm
(7) Check and adjust the remaining valves in the
is disturbed in any way, the valve clearance must first be
same manner as outlined above.
adjusted to the cold setting to allow for normal expansion of
c. Adjustment (Hot Engine).
the engine parts during engine warm-up period. This will
(1) Start engine and run until engine reaches
ensure a valve setting that is close enough to the specified
normal operating temperature (1600 to 1850F.).
clearance to prevent damage to the valves when the engine
(2) Recheck the exhaust valve with a 0.008 inch
is started.
feeler gage. If the valve clearance is correct the feeler gage
b. Adjustment (Cold).
will pass freely between the valve stem and the rocker arm,
but the 0.010 inch feeler gage will not pass through.