TM 5-3820-233-12/2
1. Terminal
2. Terminal
3. Cable
4. Terminal
5. Cable
6. Terminal
7. Cable
8. Cable
9. Nut
10. Washer
11. Bolt
12. Clamp
13. Battery
14. Liner
Figure 4-25. Batteries, cables and battery box, removal and installation.
(2) Inspect housing for cracks and inspect gear for
4-41. Starting Motor
cracks or chipped teeth. Replace starter if defective.
a. General. The heavy duty starting motor has a shift
(3) Inspect all wiring for fraying wires or broken
lever and solenoid plunger totally en- closed for protection
connections. Replace if necessary.
from exposure to dirt, icing conditions and splash. It is
(4) Test all control switches, connecting a jumper
located on the lower left side of the engine mounted on the
lead around any switch suspected of being defective. If
flywheel housing.
system functions properly using this method, repair or place
starting motor.
(5) Check brushes and replace if required.
c. Inspection.
d. Installation. Install the starter motor in reverse order
(1) Inspect starter motor solenoid for visual defects.
of removal.
Replace if defective.