Figure 125
Figure 128
Secure flange with a new "O" ring, washer and
Apply a light coat of Permatex No. 2 on the outer
flange nut. Block output shaft and tighten nut 200 to 250
diameter of the oil baffle seal. Press seal in oil baffle
ft. lbs. torque [27,7-34,5].
with lip of seal down.
Figure 129
Figure 126
Install a new oil baffle seal ring.
From the front of the transmission case install the
forward and 2nd clutch assembly.
Figure 130
Figure 127
Install new "O" ring on impeller hub. Align holes in
Install oil baffle on impeller assembly.
impeller hub with holes in impeller. Install bolts and
tighten to specified torque. Lockwire in pairs to prevent