Figure 16 --Continued.
l e n g t h . Replace the brushes if the
commutator that is out-of-round 0.003
terminals on the brush leads are dam-
inch or more.
(2) Inspect the armature coil leads at the
( 4 ) Inspect the brush springs for a ten-
c o m m u t a t o r bars for loose connec-
s i o n of 36 ounces. Replace defective
tions. If loose, solder the leads at the
riser bars.
(6) Inspect all other parts for worn,
(3) Inspect the brush and brush terminals.
damaged, or defective condition. Re-
Replace the brushes as a set, if they
p l a c e or repair worn, damaged, or
a r e oil-soaked, chipped, burned, or
defective parts as necessary.
w o r n to less than one-half inch in
AGO 8498A