Note. Do not install the cover band assembly (1, B,
b. Installation. Install the generator (TM 5-
fig. 15) or insert the brushes (4) in the brush holders
until the armature and drive end frame (A, fig. 16)
have been reassembled and installed.
the motor drive housing in the nu-
m e r i c a l sequence as illustrated on C
T h e engine starting motor is a 6-pole, 24-
v o l t , dc-type. When energized by the starter
(8) Disassemble the field coils, frame, and
solenoid, the drive pinion of the starting motor
pole shoes in the numerical sequence
engages with the ring gear on the flywheel and
cranks the engine at the proper speed for
s t a r t i n g . When the engine starts, the drive of
the starting motor disengages the drive pinion
55. Starting Motor Cleaning, Inspection,
from the ring gear on the engine flywheel.
Testing, and Repair
a . Cleaning.
54. Starting Motor Removal
(1) Clean a dirty or discolored armature
and Disassembly.
commutator with No. 00 sandpaper
a. Removal. Remove the starting motor and
and blow out sand with clean, dry,
s o l e n o i d (TM 5-3820-205-20/1).
c o m p r e s s e d air. Remove all dirt and
c h i p s from the commutator bars.
b. Disassembly.
( 2 ) Clean the brushes with a clean, dry
( 1 ) Remove the bolts (1, A, fig. 16) wash-
c l o t h . Do not clean the brushes with
e r s (2) and remove the assembled end
bell (3) and brush holder assembly
(3) Clean the frame and field coils with a
cloth dampened with an approved
( 2 ) Remove items (4-9, A, fig. 16) in nu-
c l e a n i n g solvent and dry with clean,
merical sequence and remove the
d r y compressed air. Do not soak the
b r u s h and holder assembly from the
insulation of the field coils in solvent.
end bell.
( 4 ) Clean the armature with compressed
(3) D i s a s s e m b l e t h e r e m a i n i n g i t e m s o f
a i r to remove any dust or dirt, Wipe
t h e commutator end frame in the nu-
t h e armature with a cloth dampened
merical sequence as illustrated on
with an approved cleaning solvent;
dry with clean, compressed air.
( 4 ) D i s a s s e m b l e the brush and holder as-
( 5 ) Clean the motor drive housing with a
s e m b l y in the numerical sequence as
cloth dampened with an approved
c l e a n i n g solvent and dry with clean,
dry, compressed air.
washers (2) and remove the assem-
(6) C l e a n a l l o t h e r m e t a l p a r t s w i t h a n
b l e d motor drive housing, armature,
approved cleaning solvent and dry
and drive assembly from the starter
b . Inspection, Testing, and Repair.
s e p a r a t e the assembled armature (6)
(1) Inspect the commutator for roughness
from the assembled motor drive hous-
o r out-of-round. Mount the armature
with its bearing surfaces on V-blocks
(7) Disassemble the remaining items in
and measure the commutator runout
t h e armature and drive assembly and
with a dial indicator. Turn down a
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