Figure 17. Overspeed governor assembly, exploded view.
for distortion and wear. Revolve shaft
59. Overspeed Governor Assembly
b e a r i n g to make sure it runs freely.
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
I n s p e c t the governor weight springs
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with a cloth
w h e n installed to see they return the
d a m p e n e d with an approved cleaning solvent
w e i g h t to a NO SPEED position. Re-
and wipe dry with a clean cloth.
place any part that is defective.
b. lnspection and Repair.
(3) Inspect all insulating washers for
c r a c k s or distortion. Replace a dam-
(1) Inspect the governor body and switch
a g e d insulating washer.
cover body assembly for cracks,
b r e a k s , and distortion. If either part
(4) Replace all hardware and adjusting
is damaged, replace it.
screws if threads are damaged or if
d a m a g e d in any other way.
(2) Inspect the weight and shaft assembly
AGO 8498A