TM 5-3820-233-12/1
the adjustable head pulley to its lowest position.
4-49. Conveyor Belts
(2) Pull belt around until spliced ends are
Due to weather, heavy service or carlessness, conveyor
belts must be replaced.
a. Removal
belt over the pulley and off the conveyors.
(1) Release the conveyor belt tension by turning
b. Belt Cutting. Molded edges on new belts are not
troughing rolls to provide ample room for splicing.
(4) Assemble stretcher clamp or other holding
always straight. It is recommended to square ends of
device on end of belt before belt is pulled onto conveyor
belts with center line of the belt as follows:
completely. This will prevent loose end of belt form
(1) At intervals of three to five feet mark center
traveling up the conveyor and off the head pulley. Attach
clamp or holding device a reasonable distance from belt
(2) Draw an average center line with these points
end to permit squaring of belt.
as guides. Pick a point on center line of belt and swing
(5) Move belt onto the conveyor until squared
an arch through markings to determine cutting for
end is in position where belt will be spliced.
squaring belt end.
(6) Install wood belt stretcher clamp on belt 18
(3) Using steel straight edge intersect these two
inches from end of belt; tie assembled clamp to conveyor
points and cut belt on this line.
c. Belt Installation. The conveyor belt is cut to
(7) With attached cable pull belt over the top of
approximate correct length at the factory with ample
squared belt end until correct tension is obtained. Hold
length to permit squaring of both ends at assembly.
this tension, find center line and mark where belt must
(1) Uncrate belt and insert bar through center for
later be cut.
lifting and threading belt on frame. Check belt to be sure
(8) Assemble second belt stretcher clamp 18
thickest rubber covering is on the load side.
inches from belt end and install belt stretcher rods
(2) Before installing belt be sure adjustable head
between clamps tightening nuts until pressure is relieved
pulley is in its shortest position.
from pull cable.
(3) Pull belt into position. For convenience in
splicing, ends should come together on top run of
conveyor near the tail pulley, If necessary remove