TM 5-3820-233-12/1
(1) Loosen troughing roll clamp on side of
tail pulley to cause creep to other side of conveyor.
conveyor belt that it is shifting toward.
(2) Correct one roll assembly at a time until belt
(2) Move end of troughing roll forward toward
is centered.
head pulley.
e. Adjustment may be necessary after the belt is
(3) Make slight adjustment and check one or
operating at normal load.
complete revolutions of conveyor.
f. Belt creep to one side consistently in one localized
(4) Adjust rolls as required until belt runs
area, requires adjustment of troughing or return rolls at
centrally on conveyor.
that point.
d. To adjust under side of conveyor belt not running
g. Belt repair can be accomplished using belt
in center of tail pulley or return rolls, proceed as follows:
fasteners when a slight tear on fraying occurs to prevent
(1) Taking reverse direction of belt ravel into
consideration loosen end of return roll and move toward
Figure 4-40. Conveyor belt training.
Figure 4-41. Conveyor belt repair.