Fuel from the fuel injection pumps is sent through the
fuel injection lines to the fuel injection nozzles.
Each fuel injection line of an engine has a special
design and must be installed in a certain location. When
fuel injection lines are removed from an engine, put
identification marks or tags on the fuel lines as they are
removed, so they can be put in the correct location when
they are installed.
The nuts that hold a fuel injection line to an injection
nozzle and injection pump must be kept tight. Use a
torque wrench and the 5P144 Fuel Line Socket to tighten
the fuel line nuts to 30 5 lb. ft. (4.1 0.7 mkg).
When injection pumps, sleeves and lifters are removed
from the injection pump housing, keep the parts of each
pump together so they can be installed back in their
original location.
Be careful when disassembling injection pumps. Do not
damage the surface on the plunger. The plunger, sleeve
and barrel for each pump are made as a set. Do not put
the plunger of one pump in the barrel or sleeve of another
pump. If one part is worn, install a complete new pump
assembly. Be careful when putting the plunger in the bore
of the barrel or sleeve.
Return Leakage Test
When an injection pump is installed correctly, the
plunger is through the sleeve and the adjustment lever is
1. Put the tip of the fuel injection nozzle a little above the
engaged with the groove on the sleeve. The bushing that
horizontal position. Tighten the nuts that connect the fuel
holds the injection pump in the pump housing must be kept
injection nozzle to the tester.
tight. Tighten the bushing to 70 5 lb. ft. (9.7 0.7 mkg).
Damage to the housing will result if the bushing is too tight.
2. Operate the tester until the pressure is at 1400 to 1600
If the bushing is not tight enough, the pump will leak.
psi (98.4 to 112.5 kg/cm2 ).
3. Look at the leakage from the return at the top (pressure
screw end) of the fuel injection nozzle. After the' first two
drops fall, leakage is 1 to 10 drops in 15 seconds with Kent
equivalent, with the temperature of the calibration oil at
650 to 765 F (180 to 240 C). More than 10 drops in 15
seconds is an indication of parts with wear or bad parts,
and replacement of the fuel injection nozzle is necessary.
(Typical Example)