TM 5-3820-233-12/2
(2) Disconnect air line from brake chamber.
4-73. Secondary Screening Unit Air Brake System
The secondary crushing and screening unit air brake
system consists of the brake chamber, brake shoes, slack
b. Inspection. Inspect the brake chamber for proper
adjuster, emergency valve, reservoir, connecting hoses,
operation and damage.
Replace a defective brake
tubes and fittings. The purpose of the air brake system is
to provide a means of operating the brakes, through the
medium of compressed air, in conjunction with the air
the brake chamber in reverse order of removal.
brake system on the prime mover.
4-76.Air Brake System Relay Emergency Valve
4-74. Slack Adjuster
a. Removal.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the slack adjuster cover.
(2) Loosen slack adjuster worm shaft.
fitting (8, 9 and 21) from valve (33).
(3) Remove slack adjuster from brake assembly
(3) Remove screw (32) and remove valve (33) from
the frame.
b. Inspection. Inspect for worn worm gear or worm.
b. Inspection.
Replace a defective slack adjuster.
(1) Inspect the tubing and fittings for damage.
(2) Inspect the valve (33, fig. 4-73) for damage or
slack adjuster on brake assembly cam shaft.
missing hardware. Replace a defective valve.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-73 and install the air
the slack adjuster.
brake system relay emergency valve (33) in the reverse
4-75. Brake Chamber
procedure of removal.
a. Removal.
Figure 4-73. Air brake system components, removal and installation.
4-77. Air Brake System Filters
(2) Disconnect hoses from filters.
(3) Remove nuts and U-bolts and remove air filter.
brake system filters as follows: