TM 5-3820-233-12/2
b. Inspection.
(1) Remove cover and inspect strainer, replace if
an oily substance is present.
(2) Clean strainer.
(3) Replace strainer, install a new gasket under
e. Installation. Refer to figure 4-78 and install the air
brake system filters in the reverse order of removal.
a. Removal.
bottom of reservoir (88) and drain the air from system.
(2) Disconect the tubing (22) from elbow (23).
(3) Remove bracket (37) and remove the reservoir
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the reservoir for holes, dents and
(3) and drain cock (40) for corrosion or damaged
thread. Replace a defeceive part or defective reservoir.
reservoir in the reverse order of removal.
4-79. Air Lines, Hoses and Fittings
a. Removal.
and fittings.
Figure 4-74. Tool box, removal and installation.
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the Ines for cracks or dents.
4-82. Fender
a. General. The rear fenders of the secondary
(3) Inspect the fitting for damage. Replace all
crushing and screening unit are fastened to the frame by
defective lines, hoses and fittings.
two fender supports (23, 24, 25 and 26, fig. 4-75).Attached
c. Installation.
to the fender is a tool box (6) and two chock blocks (17 and
18) assemblies.
(2) Service air system and check for air leaks.
fenders as follows:
4-80. Truck Frame
(1) Before fender removal can be accomplished,
The secondary crushing and screening unit frame is of one
the tool box (6) must be removed.
piece of welded construction and requires little service other
(2) Remove chock block assemblies (17 and 18)
than periodical tightening of the bolts which fasten major
and splash guards (12).
subasemblies to the frame.
(3) Remove fender in numerical sequence.
4-81. Tool Box
c. Inspection.
(1) Inspect fenders for breaks, cracks and
box in numerical sequence.
b. Inspection.
(2) Inspect chock blocks for breaks.
(1) Inspect tool box for rust or damage.
(2) Inspect for missing or damaged hardware.
Replace defective hardware or a defective tool box.
(4) Inspect threaded parts for damage or stripped
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-74 and install the tool
parts. Replace all defective parts.
box in reverse order of removal.
fenders in reverse order of removal.