TM 5-3820-233-35/1
(3) Place impeller end of pump body on
other damage. Replace defective parts as
an arbor press, and insert slinger end of
pump shaft into pump body. Press against
(3) Inspect studs in pump body. Replace
the outer race of pump shaft bearing until
studs if necessary, and torque to 10-12 foot-
bearing touches the shoulder in the pump
e. Reassembly. Reassemble the water pump
in the reverse numerical sequence as illus-
(4) Clean surface of pump seal, and ap-
ply a thin coat of liquid soap on inside sur-
(1) If steel insert is replaced, be sure
face of seal. Slide seal onto pump shaft until
the counterbore in pump body is thoroughly
it is seated firmly against the pump body
cleaned before installing new insert. Press
insert in until it contacts the shoulder in
(5) Install pump seal spring with the
pump body.
small end toward the seal.
(6) Support bearing end of pump shaft
Note. Do not mar the seal contact surface of the
insert w h e n p r e s s i n g i t i n t o t h e p u m p b o d y .
on an arbor press and press impeller onto the
shaft. Press until face of impeller hub is
(2) Install slinger on the pump shaft
flush with the end of the pump shaft.
assembly with the flange of the slinger ap-
(7) Rotate pump shaft by hand to be,
proximately 3/16 inch from end of the outer
sure impeller does not contact pump body.
race of the shaft assembly bearing.
Figure 11. Water pump, exploded view.