(4) Remove the tachometer-hourmeter (para.
85, and 88).
94. Hood, Radiator Cowling, and Rear Panel
(6) Remove the rear panel from the unit as
a. Hod and Radiator Cowling Removal.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. Clean and
(2) Remove the door supports and side
inspect. Replace or repair worn, damaged, or defective
parts as necessary.
(3) Remove the hood and radiator cowling
d. Hood and Radiator Cowing Installation.
(1) Install the hood and radiator cowling on
b. Rear Panel Removal.
the unit in reverse of the instructions on
(1) Remove the air cleaner (para. 59).
(3) Remove the safety ignition switch (para.
Figure 37. Gages and switch, removal and installation.
AGO 8157A