Figure 34. Camshaft, bearings, tappets, and tappet guides, exploded view.
d i a m e t e r for the camshaft journaI is
103. Camshaft, Bearings, Tappets, and
2 . 2 4 7 5 to 2.2480 inch If any journal
Tappet Guides, Cleaning,
is worn less than 2.2465 inch, replace
Inspection, and Repair
t h e camshaft.
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an ap
( 4 ) I n s p e c t the gear on the camshaft for
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
w o r n , broken, or chipped teeth. Re-
b. Inspection and Repair.
place the camshaft if the gear is
(1) Measure the diameter of the tappets
The proper diameter should be 0.6082
104. Camshaft, Bearings, Tappets, and
t o 0.6087 inch. If the tappet is worn
Tappet Guides Installation
less than 0.6072 inch, replace the
a. Press the bearings (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, fig.
(2) I n s p e c t t h e t a p p e t s f o r s c o r i n g o r
34) into the engine block.
damage to the contact surface. Re-
Note. Before pressing the bearings in the engine
p l a c e badly pitted or scored tappet.
block make certain that the oil passages are in correct
(3) M e a s u r e t h e c a m s h a f t j o u r n a l s w i t h
alinement, and press bushings carefully to prevent
AGO 8498A