g. Install the cylinder head and valves (par.
b. Press the tappet guides (8) in the engine
c. Place the tappets (7) in their guides.
d. Secure the tappets in a raised position
i. Install the timing gears and end plate
( p a r . 88).
s h a f t thrust plate.
j. Install the tappet covers and oil coolers
(TM 5-3820-205-20/l).
f. Install the oil pump assembly (par. 96).
S e c t i o n X V I I I . FLY W H E E L AN D H O U S I N G
a n d burrs that would prevent a flush
fit. Remove these with a file or hand-
The flywheel is machined and balanced so
that the face and the counter-bore will run true
(2) I n s p e c t t h e f l y w h e e l h o u s i n g f o r
with its axis. The flywheel housing houses the
cracks, breaks, elongated mounting
f l y w h e e l and provides the engine rear mount-
holes, or other damage. Replace a
ing points and the mounting points for the
damaged flywheel housing.
engine starter. The starter engages the ring
gear, which is mounted on the flywheel.
(3) I n s p e c t t h e f l y w h e e l r i n g g e a r f o r
b r o k e n or worn teeth. Replace a de-
fective ring gear.
106. Flywheel and Housing Removal
a. Remove the clutch assembly (par. 38).
108. Flywheel and Housing Installation
b. Remove the engine rear panel (TM 5-
a . Install the ring gear on the flywheel by
heating the ring gear until it will slip over the
c . With a suitable lifting device raise and
block the engine.
and housing on the engine.
c. Mount an indicator on the flywheel hous-
wheel and housing from the engine.
i n g and inspect the flywheel for runout to be
Note. Do not remove the ring gear from the flywheel
sure that the crankshaft flange has not been
unless it is to be replaced with a new gear
s p r u n g or damaged or that the counterbore in
e. Use a punch or a chisel and hammer be-
the flywheel, which locates it on the crankshaft,
tween any two teeth on the ring gear until the
is not damaged. Maximum indicator reading
g e a r has expanded enough to slip off the fly-
must not exceed 0.008 inch.
d. Mount the indicator on the face of the
f l y w h e e l and inspect the bore of the flywheel
107. Flywheel and Housing Cleaning,
h o u s i n g for runout. Maximum reading should
Inspection, and Repair
not exceed 0.008 inch.
a. Cleaning. Cl.ean all parts with an ap-
d. Using a suitable lifting device, remove
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
the blocking from the engine.
b. Inspection and Repair.
e. Install the engine rear panel (TM 5-3820-
(1) Inspect the flywheel housing and en-
gine block mating surface for nicks
f . Install the clutch assembly (par. 40).
AGO 8498A