Figure 50. Under conveyor hopper, removal and installation.
161. Under Conveyor Hopper Installation
conveyor hopper from the unit.
conveyor hopper on the unit.
160. Under Conveyor Hopper Cleaning,
Inspection, and Repair
b. Install the under conveyor belt (par. 132).
F o r the cleaning, inspection, and repair of
c . Install the under conveyor hopper liners
the under conveyor hopper, refer to paragraph
(TM 5-3820-205-20/1).
and scraper from the frame (TM 5-3820-205-
The under conveyor frame assembly is de-
c. Remove the under conveyor pulley assem-
signed to bolt onto the main frame. It has
b l i e s (pars. 152 and 155).
m o u n t i n g brackets on w h i c h t h e u n d e r con-
veyor hopper assembly is mounted.
164. Under Conveyor Frame Assembly
C l e a n i n g , Inspection, and Repair
1 6 3 . U n d e r C o n v e y o r F r a m e Assembly
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an ap-
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
b . I n s p e c t i o n a n d R e p a i r . Inspect all parts
a. Remove the under conveyor assembly from
for cracks, breaks, bends, wear, and other dam-
t h e frame (par. 33).
age. Repair or replace damaged parts as
b . Remove the under conveyor belt rollers
AGO 8489A