TM 5-3820-233-12/2
Figure 4-13. Water manifold, removal and installation.
4-26. Thermostat
The temperature of the engine coolant is automatically
controlled by a thermostat located in a housing connected
to the outlet end of the water manifold (8, fig. 4-15).
Normal thermostat temperature operating range is 160F.
to 1860F.
theremostat as follows:
(1) Drain the cooling system.
(2) Remove hoses and remove bolts.
(3) Remove theremostat.
b. Testing.
(1) Suspend the theremostat in a pan of water.
(2) Apply heat to the pan and stir to maintain
uniformity of temperature.
(3) Using a suitable immersion type thermometer,
observe the temperature at which the thermostat opens.
(4) If the thermostat does not operate properly due
to rust, scale or sludge, it can be cleaned or replaced.
c. Installation. Installation is the reverse procedure of
Figure 4-14. Thermostat, removal and installation.