and the hydraulic head under clean fuel oil
quence as illustrated on B and C,
to prevent any foreign matter from entering
the pump.
( 8 ) Place the lever assembly (9, B, fig. 20)
Caution: Replace all gaskets in the
i n the RUN position, and check the
f u e l injection pump and governor as-
clearance between the shutoff cam
s e m b l y whenever they are disturbed.
( 8 ) and the vertical tab on the gov-
Do not over torque the head locking
and high pressure fuel line screws;
Correct clearance is 0.031 0.005
over torquing the fuel line screws will
crush the copper gaskets allowing the
s c r e w s to bottom. Over torquing the
( 9 ) Reassemble the cover assembly in re-
h e a d locking screws will cause rotor
verse of the numerical sequence as
s e i z u r e and ultimately result in drive
s h a f t failure. Refer to tabulated data,
(1) Mount the fuel injection pump and
( 2 ) A p p l y air pressure (30 to 100 psi) to
governor assembly on a pump test
a n y head outlet, and rotate the rotor
i n the head until air pressure forces
t h e rollers to their extreme outward
( 2 ) P r o v i d e for a l-to-l drive ratio.
(3) Drive the fuel injection pump and
the dimension from the outside of one
g o v e r n o r assembly at 1,400 rpm and
roller to the outside of the other. This
test the transfer pump pressure
must be 2.006 0.0005 inch. Set this
( m e t e r i n g portion). The correct pres-
a d j u s t m e n t by turning the screw 25,
sure is 62 to 67 psi.
c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e to decrease plunger
( 4 ) The electrical solenoid may be tested
( 3 ) I n s t a l l the packing (23) and the hy-
d r a u l i c cam ring (22) on the hydrau-
lic head (30). The etched arrow in-
( 5 ) Measure the fuel delivery for each cyl-
dicating proper direction of travel
i n d e r . The correct delivery is 166 to
must face outward.
171 cubic millimeters. Turn the torque
adjusting screw (21, C, fig. 20) clock-
( 4 ) I n s t a l l the retainer assembly (21) on
wise to decrease and counterclockwise
t h e rotor (24). Line up the assembly
to increase fuel delivery.
marks on the retainer assembly and
the rotor and install the retaining ring
(6) I n s t a l l a s e a l i n g w i r e t h r o u g h t h e
torque screw and head locking screw.
( 5 ) Reassemble the remaining items in re-
c. Installation and Timing.
verse of the numerical sequence as
Warning: Under no circumstances should
the Roosa-Master fuel injection pump be timed
( 6 ) Reassemble the end plate assembly in
while the engine is running.
r e v e r s e of the numerical sequence as
(1) Remove the timing hole cover from
the flywheel housing.
Note. Insert the assembled end plate as-
sembly and the hydraulic head assembly in
(2) Turn the engine clockwise until No. 1
piston is on the compression stroke
(7) Reassemble the housing assembly and
a n d the timing mark on the flywheel
t h e throttle shaft and lever assembly
is alined with the pointer on the fly-
in the reverse of the numerical se-
wheel housing.
AGO 8498A