TM 5-3820-233-12/2
b. Adjustment. The elevating wheel trunion with the
4-63. Speed Reducer
adjustable idler wheel assembly is provided to align the
The Dodge Torque Arm speed reducers used on the
elevating wheel. When properly adjusted, the elevating
secondary crusher screening unit are located on the feed
wheel tire should ride in a central position on both
conveyor head shaft, the elevating wheel and
trunions. Before attempting to change the location of the
undercrusher conveyor countershaft and the side
conveyor countershafts.
(1) Check plant lengthwise on the frame near the
a. Removal.
trunions for level.
(1) Adjust torque arm to release belt tension (fig.
(2) Check distance between adjustable idler
wheels on top of elevating wheel and tire and adjust so
(2) Remove V-belts, pulley and bushing from
there is 1/32" clearance for tire to rotate freely between
shaft end.
idler wheels.
(3) Remove torque arm from support on frame.
c. Adjustment Procedure.
(4) Remove key from shaft and pull speed
(1) Loosen the trunions and visually locate the
reducer from countershaft.
elevating wheel with trunions centrally between hopper
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Inspect V-belts for cracks, damage and
(2) With crushing unit operating, and with
replace if necessary.
elevating wheel turning, notice on which side of right
(2) Inspect pulley, bushing and key for wear and
trunion the tire is riding the flange.
replace if necessary.
(3) Adjust the top of elevating wheel toward the
opposite side from where tire is riding the trunion flange.
reverse order of removal.
(4) Check left trunion while elevating wheel is
turning. If the tire is riding the trunion flange, loosen and
slide trunion on shaft until contact between elevating
wheel and trunion flange is illuminated.
(5) At this point, the elevating wheel tire should
be adjusted properly and running in the center of
Figure 4-65. Speed reducer, removal and installation.
4-64. Elevating Wheel
a. General. The rotating elevating wheel carries
Figure 4-66. Elevating wheel adjustment.
material from the undercrusher conveyor to the feed
conveyor. The overhead feed conveyor returns it to the
vibrating screen for sizing and scalping.