Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3820-233-35-20004Standard Engine Nut and Bolt Torque Data.Specific Engine Nut and Bolt Torque DataSpecific Engine Nut and Bolt Torque Data (Cont)Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards - TM-5-3820-233-35-20008Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards (Cont) - TM-5-3820-233-35-20009Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards (Cont) - TM-5-3820-233-35-20010Table 2. Secondary Crushing and Screening Plant Repair Replacement StandardsFigure 1 (1). Schematic wiring diagram.Figure 1 (2). Schematic wiring diagram. (Cont)Figure 1 (3). Schematic wiring diagram. (Cont)Chapter 2. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 4. Specially De8igned Tools and EquipmentErratic Engine OperationPower-Take Off Clutch Slips - TM-5-3820-233-35-20018Rock and Sand Conveyors Figure 4 (1). Rock conveyor, removal and installation Elevating Wheel Assembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20021Figure 5. Sand conveyor, removal and installation.Roll Crusher - TM-5-3820-233-35-20023Figure 7 (1). Elevating wheel, removal and installation Figure 8 (2). Vibrating screen, removal and installationFigure 8 (3). Vibrating screen, removal and installation (Cont)Figure 9 (1). Roll crusher removal and installationFigure 9 (3). Roll crusher removal and installation (Cont)Chapter 3. ENGINE REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3820-233-35-20029Disassembly.Generator - Battery ChargingFigure 10-3. Starting motor, exploded view.Figure 11-1. Connections for checking output on "B" circuit generators.Testing.Generator RegulatorVoltage RegulatorCurrent Regulator.Radiator Assembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20038Water Pump - TM-5-3820-233-35-20039Reassembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20040Hydraulic Governor and Governor Drive - TM-5-3820-233-35-20041Figure 15. Hydraulic governor, exploded view.Blower and Blower Drive Assembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20043Figure 16. Fuel pump, exploded view.Reassembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20045Figure 17-2. Air inlet housing, exploded view.Installation. - TM-5-3820-233-35-20047Figure 17-4. Blower, exploded view.Figure 17-4. Blower, exploded view. (Cont)Figure 17-5. Timing blower rotors.Section II. ENGINE COMPONENTSFuel Injector - TM-5-3820-233-35-20052Rocker Arms and Shaft - TM-5-3820-233-35-20053Figure 20. Fuel injector, exploded view.Reassembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20055Engine Oil Pan - TM-5-3820-233-35-20056Lubricating Oil Pu mp and Pressure Regulator AssemblyFigure 22-2. Cylinder head, exploded view.Piston and Connecting Rod AssembliesCleaning, Inspection, and Repair - TM-5-3820-233-35-20060Power Takeoff AssemblyFigure 24-2 (1). Oil pump and pressure regulator , exploded view.Flywheel and Flywheel Housing - TM-5-3820-233-35-20063Figure 24-2 (2). Oil pump and pressure regulator , exploded view. (Cont)Crankshaft Pulley and Front Cover - TM-5-3820-233-35-20065Fan Pulley and Hub Assembly - TM-5-3820-233-35-20066Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair - TM-5-3820-233-35-20067Camshaft and Balance Shaft AssembliesGear Train - TM-5-3820-233-35-20069Figure 27-4. Initial bolt tightening sequence.Figure 27-5. Final bolt tightening sequence.Crankshaft and Main Bearings - TM-5-3820-233-35-20072Figure 28-1 (1). Crankshaft pulley and front cover, removal and installation.Cylinder Block - TM-5-3820-233-35-20074Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair - TM-5-3820-233-35-20075Figure 29--2. Fan pulley and lub assembly, exploded view.Figure 30-1. Balance weight cover, removal and installationFigure 30-3 (2) - ContinuedFigure 30-4. Camshaft, balance shaft and idler gear assembly, exploded towFigure 31-1. Crankshaft and main bearing removal and installation.Figure 32. Cylinder block, exploded view.Chapter 4. CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANT REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 33-1. Rock and sand conveyor, exploded view.Figure 33-2. Trough roll assembly, exploded view..Figure 33-3. Return roll assembly, exploded view.Section II. OVERHEAD CONVEYORFigure 34-2. Impact roll assembly, exploded view.Figure 34-4. Head pulley bearing assembly.Section Ill. ROCK AND SAND CONVEYOR DRIVESFigure 35-2. Sand conveyor drive, exploded view.Figure 35-3. Speed reducer, exploded view.Rock Conveyor DriveFigure 35-5. Gear box assembly, exploded view.Figure 35-5 - ContinuedFigure 36-1. Rock conveyor drive, removal and installation. - TM-5-3820-233-35-20095Figure 36-1. Rock conveyor drive, removal and installation. - TM-5-3820-233-35-20096Future 37-1. Screen and side conveyor drive countershaft assembly and clutch controls, exploded view.Figure 37-2. Twin-disc clutch assembly, exploded view.Section IV. OVERHEAD CONVEYOR DRIVEFigure .18-2. Overhead conveyor drive, exploded view.Section V. ELEVATING WHEELInstallation. - TM-5-3820-233-35-20102Figure 39-2. Elevating wheel assembly, exploded view.Figure 39-2. Elevating wheel assembly, exploded view. (Cont) Figure 39-3. Sprocket idler bearing assembly, exploded view.Section VI. VIBRATING SCREEN AND VIBRATOR UNITVibrator UnitFigure 40-1. Vibrating screen assembly.Figure 40-2. Screen box assembly, exploded view.Driven Shaft Bearing Installation.Figure 40-3. Underslung vibrator unit, exploded view.Bearing Installation (Gear Side).Figure 40-4. Screen hopper assembly, exploded view.Figure 40-5. Vibrator unit.Figure 40-7. Gear removalFigure 40-9. Gear installation and timing.Section VII. SCREEN DRIVE COUNTERSHAFTFigure 41-1. Screen drive countershaft, exploded view.Section VllI. ROLL CRUSHERRoll Crusher - TM-5-3820-233-35-20120Figure 42-1 (1). Roll crusher, exploded view.Roll Shell Disassembly.Figure 42-1 (2). Roll crusher, exploded view. (Cont) - TM-5-3820-233-35-20123Figure 42-1 (2). Roll crusher, exploded view. (Cont) - TM-5-3820-233-35-20124Figure 42-1 (5). Roll crusher, exploded view. (Cont)Figure 42-2. Spur gear removal.Figure 42-4. Finger gear removal.Cleaning, Inspection. and Repair.Roll Shell Reassembly.Figure 42-8. Shaft and spider assembly.Roll Shaft Bearing Reassembly. Figure 42-11. Roll shells.Figure 42-12. Spur and pinion gear alinement.Figure 42-15. Measuring gear clearance and backlash.Finger Gear ReassemblySection IX. UNDERCRUSHER CONVEYORFigure 43-1. Undercrusher conveyor exploded view.Figure 43-1-Continued.Reassembly and Installation.Gear Box Reassembly.Figure 44-1. Undercrusher conveyor and elevating wheel drive, exploded view.Figure 44-1-Continued.Figure 44-2. Speed reducer, exploded view.Figure 44-3. Gear box assembly, disassembly and reassembly.Section XI. MAIN COUNTERSHAFTFigure 45-1. Main countershaft assembly, exploded view.Figure 45-2. Main countershaft bearing assembly, exploded view.Appendix A: REFERENCES - TM-5-3820-233-35-20148Figure 34-1. Overhead conveyor, exploded view.TM-5-3820-233-35-2 Crusher Screening Unit Diesel Engine Driven Semitrailer Mounted 35 Ton Per Hour Capacity Component of Crushing and Screening Plant Diesel Engine Manual